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Quality & Safety

A nurse practitioner speaks with a service user in an exam room.

Our Quality Improvement Plan

Since 2013, the Excellent Care for All Act (ECFAA) requires that every year, primary health care organizations develop an annual Quality Improvement Plan (QIP). The QIP is a documented set of commitments that tells our clients, staff and community what we will do to improve quality in our programs and services, as well as how we will do it, and who is responsible. QIPs are used by many healthcare organizations to assist them in delivering quality programs and services.

Download our 2024-2025 Quality Improvement Plan (PDF).

We welcome you to read our current Quality Improvement and Client Safety Plan. If you have any questions about our QIP, you can also contact the Chief Medical Officer.

Keeping Yourself Safe at Sherbourne

Hand Hygiene: Hand washing is the best way to prevent infections. Soap and water, and hand sanitizing foam/gels are available throughout the Centre. It is very important to use them:

  • When you arrive and when you leave Sherbourne;
  • Before eating/drinking, or touching your face;
  • After using the toilet;
  • Before and after touching any cuts, wounds or sores.

Washing our hands is part of our commitment to your care. Watch whether your provider has washed their hands. If they don’t, do not be afraid to remind them to do so.

Prevent Respiratory Infection: Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue. If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow or your sleeve, not into your hand. If you do cough or sneeze into your hand, wash your hands with soap and water, or hand sanitizing foam/gel.

In an Emergency: Our staff are trained to deal with many situations. If you hear an alarm or emergency announcement like “Code Red, second floor lobby“: please stay calm, stay where you are and wait for instructions from a member of staff.


When you are being assessed or admitted: List all medications you are taking, including vitamins, herbal supplements and any over the counter medications. We understand that it can be difficult to talk about recreational or narcotic drug use. However, it is important that you let your provider know, because it can affect the success of any treatment we provide you.

Please carefully read all documents provided to you at Sherbourne. Ask your provider if something is not clear, so that you can give informed consent.

Ask Questions: Talk to your provider about your health concerns, medical conditions, and medications. Tell them about any changes in your health. If you don’t understand something or have a concern, don’t be afraid to tell your provider and ask questions until you do understand.

Prevent Slips and Falls: To keep from slipping on the floor, wear sturdy shoes with non-slip soles. If you see a yellow pylon, the floor may be slippery – be very careful. Take extra care outside when the weather is wet, snowy or icy. Stick to areas that are cleared and salted. If you have a walking aid e.g. a wheelchair, walker, cane or crutches, please tell the Medical Secretary when you make your appointment, and let them know if you need any extra help.


Questions? Contact us.