Harm Reduction
Harm reduction refers to practical strategies and ideas focused on reducing the negative consequences commonly associated with drug use. Harm reduction also refers to a social justice movement that is centered around respect for the rights of people who use drugs. At Sherbourne Health, harm reduction strategies are built into all our services in both direct and indirect ways. First and foremost, Sherbourne recognizes and celebrates that people who use drugs are a part of our community; we work to ensure they are comfortable in the space and have access to services that respect their needs and lived experience.

Take Home Naloxone Program
Naloxone is a safe medication that reverses the effects of opioid overdose by blocking the effects of opioids in the brain.
When administered by a spray into the nose, naloxone takes between two to five minutes to work. Naloxone temporarily reverses the effects of opioids including heroin, fentanyl, morphine, methadone, codeine, oxycodone and many others.
Sherbourne Health offers naloxone in the forms of nasal spray and injectables. We provide training and naloxone kits for FREE, including current and former drug users, their friends, and family. You do not have to be a client at Sherbourne or show ID, or undergo training, in order to receive a naloxone kit, everyone is welcome.
- Training takes less than 10 minutes and provides you with information on preventing, recognizing, and responding to an overdose. Those trained will receive a kit with two doses of naloxone and instructions to support administering the medication. You are able to choose between injectables and nasal naloxone kits, depending on availability.
- Training and kits are offered at Sherbourne on a drop-in basis (see STASH hours below). Kits are also available 24/7 in our outdoors harm reduction cabinet, located by the main entrance.
- To request a training, visit our main reception on the first floor and ask to reach our STASH coordinator at extension 3317 or Hep C coordinator at extension 3318.
Harm Reduction Cabinet
Our free harm reduction supplies are available 24/7 in a dedicated cabinet located outside of our front doors. Hundreds of kits are provided free of cost every week, available to anyone who needs them, any time.
Harm Reduction Peer Navigation Program
This new program will support service users with lived experience in accessing Sherbourne programs to develop skills, such as peer navigation, community outreach, educating, and capacity-building. More information to come.
Room 1080, on the first floor
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays: 1 – 4 p.m.
Thursdays: 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Fridays: 1 – 4 p.m.
Supplies, Testing, Access, Support and Harm Reduction (STASH) is a welcoming support space for people who use drugs. STASH provides harm reduction supplies, support, connection to resources for shelter and/or long-term housing, snacks, hygiene items, and even quick essential health care for people who are unattached to a primary provider. The space offers opportunities for direct community case work and welcomes people into Sherbourne Health – more ways we are addressing food insecurity, access to care and building community connections.
No registration needed. Please note the STASH room capacity of three people at a time. STASH offers naloxone training on request.
Kit Packing Group
Meet at Room 1080, on the first floor (STASH)
Thursdays: 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Every week, our kit packing group makes an average of 500 harm reduction kits to help keep our communities safe. Volunteers who are or were drug users are welcome to share their knowledge and time to make life safer for people who use drugs. All participants will receive a stipend, TTC fare, and a takeaway meal, as well as an opportunity to build community and get support.
Please note that sign-up to participate starts at 9:30 a.m. At the moment, up to five attendees can per packing session.